
Many of these blogs I wrote some time ago and appeared on my old website. Please ignore the date is says it was published. Enjoy. 

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  1. It's easy to get started with agility,
    It's open to all no matter your ability.
    The benefits are great for body and mind,
    On our website resources you will find.
    There are agility organizations just for you,
    Who can teach you how and what to do.
    If you love agility you can compete,
    And for sure the rosettes do look neat.

    Click here to visit the Agility section in the Non Ridden Equine Association UK library.


  2. Christmas is a time for gifts and love,
    And for peace, a symbol is a white dove.
    A time for sending gifts to family and friends,
    Time to reflect as this year will soon end.
    I am blessed and loved beyond measure,
    Christmas I will get treats and lots of pleasure.
    Other non ridden equines will not be lucky,
    Some are left thin, cold, wet and mucky.
    I will have plenty of sweet hay to munch,
    Others never see a good meal or lunch.
    Skinny they wait for food that don't arrive,
    They stare with sad eyes trying to survive.
    Over grown painful hooves that look a sight,
    Dumped with fly tipping is a dreadful plight.
    Riddled with lice they are itchy and sore,
    Scratched away patches that are red raw.
    Wobbly and weak some are broken souls,
    Some are this year's unwanted foals.
    Unpaying guests of worms make them ill,
    Rescue organizations try to pick up the bill.
    Help a welfare charity with a gift of money,
    The reality out there is not milk and honey.

    A Poem ~ Give a Gift

    Photograph is some of the ponies who have been rescued and now live at Redwings.

    Please support a welfare organisation of your choice there are lots out there doing really challenging work. They are totally reliant on donations. Or please support the not for profit Non Ridden Equine Association UK. We are trying so hard to shape change for non ridden equines and people who choose not to ride.

  3. Winter solstice is the shortest day,
    We are lucky and have lots of sweet hay.
    Winter is here and it can be cruel and hard,
    Not like a beautiful scene on a Christmas card.
    Some poor equines will be left in mud so deep,
    With nothing to eat and fear of the last sleep.
    Negelected, thin and sadnesses in their eyes,
    They are the truth of wickedness and lies.

    Please support an equine welfare organisation this Christmas. They rely totally on donations to help equines in dire situations.

    Poem ~ Winter Solstice

  4. Christmas morning was an extra special treat,
    Carrot and parsnip ribbons can't be beat.
    A new blue breakfast feed bucket for my chaff,
    An orange bucket for my tea I am a lucky chap.
    Mango treats and treats in another flavour,
    And freshly pealed tangerines I truly savour.
    Lots of freedom with Beau to run and play,
    The sun shone at Christmas most of the day.
    A good roll in the mud and grind it in thick,
    I have a new mane brush that will do the trick.
    Tangerine, carrot and apple are in my dinner,
    The hay chaff they are mixed in is a winner.
    Plenty of lovely hay so my tummy is happy,
    A new water bucket I am a delighted chappy.
    No mistletoe but I get lots of kisses and love,
    The Robin sings to me pearched from above.
    I hope your Christmas was kind and good,
    And socially distanced in your neighborhood.
    My wish is all are happy, safe and well,
    Too many this year to Covid have fell.
    I wish the world healing and better times,
    Now my poem ends due to lack of rhyms.

    Poem ~ What I Got For Christmas