
Many of these blogs I wrote some time ago and appeared on my old website. Please ignore the date is says it was published. Enjoy. 

Poem ~ What I Got For Christmas

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Christmas morning was an extra special treat,
Carrot and parsnip ribbons can't be beat.
A new blue breakfast feed bucket for my chaff,
An orange bucket for my tea I am a lucky chap.
Mango treats and treats in another flavour,
And freshly pealed tangerines I truly savour.
Lots of freedom with Beau to run and play,
The sun shone at Christmas most of the day.
A good roll in the mud and grind it in thick,
I have a new mane brush that will do the trick.
Tangerine, carrot and apple are in my dinner,
The hay chaff they are mixed in is a winner.
Plenty of lovely hay so my tummy is happy,
A new water bucket I am a delighted chappy.
No mistletoe but I get lots of kisses and love,
The Robin sings to me pearched from above.
I hope your Christmas was kind and good,
And socially distanced in your neighborhood.
My wish is all are happy, safe and well,
Too many this year to Covid have fell.
I wish the world healing and better times,
Now my poem ends due to lack of rhyms.

Poem ~ What I Got For Christmas

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