There are so many enrichments we can offer to our equines. Here I will share with you for FREE some enrichment ideas that Kez and I have road tested. Enjoy in a this FREE download. YES FREE. No strings attached.
Our horse Kez and I Gift this to YOU with Love.
- Beacuse it compliments beautifully what I do offer with my Equine Offerings to the World. Click here for more information on this.
- I am passionate that people should have access to ideas for how to interact with their equines and make their equine's lives more interesting and fun.
- I am a Reiki healer so I gift this knowledge as it may help you and your horse in some way.
- It is written so you can use it alongside professional help of your own choosing.
- Or if you would like to work with me I do take on a very limited number of clients.
There is more FREE on my website. You can read the many articles I have had published in magazines for FREE in the FREE Horsemanship Resources section. Plus lots of Non Ridden Equine resources in Kez's Club.
A Poem - The Cardboard Box
Just a simple plain old cardboard box can give me fun,
When I saw it I stopped grazing and over I did run.
I sniffed it and inspected the chaff sprinkled inside,
Once I had eaten the chaff it I had so much pride.
With my nose I nudged the box around the field,
Even when I shook it no more treats did it yield.
So I decided to try to balance it on its end,
And shake up and down to see if it would bend.
My mum chose a sturdy well-made cardboard tray,
So it survived my full on cob partying play.
This included me trying to climb in with my hooves,
Plus me scraping and dragging along to see if it moves.
No staples or tape in the box to cause harm to me,
So I am blissfully as happy as happy can be.
Where did my mum get the box from I hear you say,
She got with the groceries earlier that day.
It was FREE and can be recycled when I am done,
You really cannot beat a bit of cardboard box fun.