Poem - What do They See?
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Looking at a horse, what do you see?
It depends on what you want us to be.
Some see on our backs riding dreams,
A signed up member in clubs or teams.
None matters if friendship is the goal,
Look closely into the windows of the soul.
Connection, partnership and bond,
Love is much deeper than being just fond.
Personality, character and spirit are there,
Our wonderful gifts we happily share.
Part of the family and friend you can trust,
Our manes soak up tears and will not rust.
Tell us your secrets and we will never tell,
Gift of healing we give if you are not well.
A horse is good for body, soul and mind,
And the very best therapy you can find.
Life lessons when the student is ready,
Yes teachers can be a hairy neddy.
There are so many things a horse can do,
What does a horse see looking at you?

Kez's Eye by Vicki Jayne Yates
Media - Soft Pastels. A3.
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