
Many of these blogs I wrote some time ago and appeared on my old website. Please ignore the date is says it was published. Enjoy. 

A Poem - Amazing Journeys.

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Two legs or four life can be brutal and cruel,

Even if you are very careful and follow the rule.

Broken hearted from bodies that are battered,

All the plans dashed and dreams shattered.

We didn't ask for serious life altering health,

It's no joke as it impacts massively on wealth.

A horse with the truth well and truly hidden,

The discovery of the fact I shouldn't be ridden.

My humans love me more than riding,

Their unconditional love is not in hiding.

Cancer diagnosis for both mum and dad,

Treatment is harsh, crazy and mad.

Side by side our journey we have shared,

And found lots of love from those who cared.

Side by side we tackled the dark dealing,

Discovered profound life lessons in healing.

Healing journeys are not fluffy and pink,

It's hard work and at times it can stink.

Anything worthwhile is worth fighting for,

It's clear non ridden equines deserve more.

What we have now is awesome and fun,

Making the most of life when all said and done.

Limitations don't stop love and smiles,

We have got fitter and can walk for miles.

One step at a time is how it's done,

That's how we battled and finally won.

Through it all a connection as strong as steel,

It's not a magical illusion it's very real.

Soul to soul and heart to heart,

Love bonds are eternal never to part.

original dreams

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